Corned beef is as versatile as it is flavourful! The salt-cured chunk of brisket turns out beautifully tender, fatty, and tasty.
Delis nationwide have done a great job preserving the corned beef tradition, and the cured meat is more available than ever. What to do with it? That’s up to you.
Here’s how to put together a mean corned beef hash with a perfect combination of sauerkraut and potatoes.
The best part? We’re using our reliable slow cooker for the most stunning hearty lunch you’ve tried in a while.

What Is That Salt-Cured Brisket Of Beef?
First things first. Salt-cured beef brisket, also known as corned beef, is a tough cut tenderized with nitrites and rock salt or “corns” of salt.

This inexpensive cut was created to have a long shelf-life, making it popular throughout the ages in America, the UK, and Commonwealth nations. The cured meat is delicious when sliced, as it is soft, briny, and fatty. Still, there’s a lot to do with corned beef.
Besides deli-style corned beef, there is also canned corned beef. I have not tried it for this recipe, but there are many dishes you can do with the canned version as well.
Read More Here: How Is Canned Corned Beef Made? (Unusual But Edible).
What Is Corned Beef Hash?
Hash, on the other hand, means different things to different people. Traditionally, a hash is what you make with the week’s leftovers, whether meat, potatoes, cabbage, or onions.
Corned beef hash is a traditional Irish-American meal, and it’s both a celebratory dish and a weekday lunch.
Of course, lots of customization is involved in making hash since you can mix in whatever you have in hand. And on that note, we are adding sauerkraut, which is absolutely perfect addition to this dish.
What Ingredients Will You Need?

For this recipe, you need corned beef, a large 1-pound piece. We’re rubbing it with mustard and seasoning it a little before slow-cooking it in vegetable stock.

Grated russet potatoes and sauerkraut add the “hash” to our dish, especially when aromatized with garlic and bay leaf. Use your favorite spices and experiment a little.
The sky’s the limit here. The result is fork-tender shredded beef mixed with grated potatoes and sauerkraut.
Make A Corned Beef And Sauerkraut Sandwich

A corned beef and sauerkraut sandwich is another great way to serve this dish. Corned beef and bread are naturally fit, and the tangy flavor of the sauerkraut is a perfect complement to the rich, salty flavor of the corned beef.
This sandwich is easy to make and can be served cold or hot. Instead of shredding the meat, cut it into thin slices and serve it topped with sauerkraut on toasted rye bread, Irish soda bread, or sourdough bread.
Read Also: The 4 Best Cheap Cuts Of Beef For Slow Cooker Stew.
In Conclusion
This corned beef sauerkraut and potatoes recipe for the slow cooker is a great way to enjoy a delicious and hearty meal. The flavors of corned beef, sauerkraut, and potatoes come together perfectly in this dish. If you’re looking for a new slow crockpot recipe to try, I highly recommend this one.
However, I must warn you that the probiotic benefits are destroyed when the sauerkraut is cooked. The high temperatures kill the beneficial bacteria, making sauerkraut an ineffective probiotic food. If you want to get the probiotic benefits of sauerkraut, it must be eaten raw.
Although raw kraut is very healthy, the taste and texture differ from the cooked one, so try it both ways and see which one you like more.
Here are 6 Healthy Recipes With Sauerkraut That Are Probiotic And Nutritious.